25 4th Street, NW, Pulaski, VA 24301
(540) 980-0922

Become a Patient
How to become a patient at the Pulaski Free Clinic:
Ready to become a patient?
The Pulaski Free Clinic accepts anyone who has Medicaid. We will accept anyone for FREE medical services who:
Is a resident of Pulaski County, and
Is over 18 and under 65 years old, and
Is not insured and
Is considered “Low-Income” as defined by the state of Virginia, meaning that your entire household income falls at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Guideline.
You qualify for absolutely free medical visits if your total household income is less than:
$45,180 for 1 person (just one person living in the household)
$61,320 for 2 people (including children) living in the household
$77,460 for 3 people
$93,600 for 4 people
I meet all of the requirements. So, how do I become a patient?
Call the clinic at (540) 980-0922 to schedule an intake screening.
You will need to bring all of the following things to your intake appointment:
Identification card or driver’s license
Proof of Pulaski County residency (water bill, letter from government agency, etc.)
Proof of income for the entire household
​If you are unsure about this, please ask when you call us -
Last 30 days of pay stubs if employed
Income records if self-employed
Most recent Federal income tax return if you or anyone in your home filed taxes last year
Letter showing unemployment benefits, disability benefits and/or social security benefits for everyone in your home
Medicaid denial letter if you have received one (very important!)
Please bring anything that you feel will help us to prove your income